Andy Thomas, Thread Architects
Andy has been a proud resident of Bolsover for over 20 years. During this time, he has enjoyed meeting people, exploring the towns and surrounding landscapes, and actively participating in community events.
When asked about his organisation’s greatest achievement over the last 12 months, Andy highlighted two key milestones: building on their recent Passivhaus and Enerphit designer qualification by applying this knowledge across a variety of projects, and celebrating Tom, their long-time apprentice, successfully completing his professional qualification.
Andy’s organisation is deeply committed to connecting with others, both locally and nationally, to achieve positive outcomes. Their design process prioritises meaningful engagement with clients to understand their needs, stories, and connection to their place. They aim to provide innovative solutions that allow clients to live and grow while embedding sustainability and low environmental impact into everything they do.
As for Andy’s favorite places in Bolsover, he pointed to the Stockley Trail, Carr Vale Nature Reserve, and the many scenic footpaths linking local villages as hidden gems worth exploring.
Finally, Andy described Bolsover in three words: history, greenery, community.