Sam Jones
Stancliffe Homes
Area of expertise/industry/experience
Home Building
Finish this sentence - "Bolsover is ..."
How do your own organisational priorities align with the Bolsover Place Programme?
a district steeped in history, with a bright future.
First and foremost, supporting the team delivering the place programme. Second, improving the belief and pride in the area of local residents and businesses. Engaging with other local stakeholders to create a real sense of belonging in the district.
We're aspirational and care deeply about creating outstanding homes and communities which our customers are proud of. We're committed to building a range of new homes and communities within the district of Bolsover and improving the facilities on offer in the town.
The opportunity I am most excited to support is...
I believe in Bolsover because...
I grew up in the district and have seen the progress it has made over the last 30 years. It is an underestimated destination with great potential.